My Tips for Year 11

I'm back again with another post. This time, it's my top tips for year eleven. Having just completed one of the most stressful times of my life, I think I might be in the place to be able to share my tips with you.  This is a more general tips post, I'll post a revision specific/subject-specific revision tips soon if you'd like! 

tip number one; be organised - 
- I'm not saying you need to plan out your entire year now or create a revision timetable now or anything intense. 
Begin with making sure any notes you create in lessons are readable and highlighted if they're important like key dates and characters. also buy any flashcards, and revision supplies in advance in case you run out. 
I had a mare trying to find more flashcards when I ran out, it was two weeks before the end of exams so most places had either ran out or stopped stocking them. 

the second tip; get yourself into a routine (or two) - 
- This is vital especially during the second half of the year towards exams as you'll need to be consistent with revision, sleep and juggling life. 
For example, in the first half of the year, say you get home around 3:30, give yourself 30 minutes to relax and have a snack and a drink before organising your homework, start your homework, take regular breaks, finish homework (and chores) and give yourself a few hours to relax! 
In the second half of the year it might be that you get less time to relax but don't spend every second of your spare time revising (i did this even after work and on the whole Sunday and I felt super guilty if I even went to have lunch or had to take a break). 
Aim for around 30 minutes to an hour a weekday and maybe double it on a weekend but don't stress too much because you'll find time to fit it in, don't work your life out around revision!! 

third tip; organise your space - 
No, I'm not saying your room needs to be spotless but it does help to keep it tidy and you should focus better. try and decide where is your 'relaxation' space, i.e your bed or your living room, and where your 'study' area is, i.e a spare room, the shed, or a desk. 
Having this can help you wind down in an area where you're not thinking 'this is where I revise, I need to study' or trying to work in a relaxing environment. My desk was fairly small but I made it work instead of trying to revise using the top of my chest of drawers.
Find a table/space and hang fairy lights, even get a corkboard/ pinboard where you can pin notes up or timetables or important things. 

 the fourth tip; don't overthink or overstress or overwork yourself!! - 
- I'm so guilty of this. I spent the end of year 10 going through a bunch of stuff and as result, this carried over to the beginning months of year 11, which meant my mental health declined and I didn't pay a lot of attention in (some) lessons, which meant as soon as January came around I started to overcompensate for the lack of work and effort and ended up spending all my time revising - long story short; don't overwork yourself - if in doubt go to your head of year, tutor or even on of your teachers because they all know you, and will be more than happy to help! 

 final tip; ask for help!!;
- I cannot stress this enough, ask a teacher for help understanding a topic, ask them for revision tips and trust them, they will be more than willing to help and all you need to is ask after the lesson or after school, or email them! 

 Another extra tip -
- I haven't included this one in for obvious reasons, but sort any drama out now in the summer, no-one can be bothered for drama in year 11. 
- Also, don't be a nuisance or distract anyone, now isn't the time to show off and I can confirm its annoying!) as long as you let the teachers do their jobs and co-operate then everything will work out!

 Jess x


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