My GCSE Results 2019 + Explaination


So it's currently the day after results day and I thought I'd update you all on what happened yesterday, on results day itself!

Before I get into this I just want to say, success is relative to everyone and I worked really hard on these exams, spending around 150 hours revising since january. I'm not trying to brag or boast in anyway, shape or form and i'm really happy with these results! 
let's go:

Combined Science Higher Tier - 7-7 (A)
Maths - 7 (A)
Citizenship - 6 (B)
Photography - 7 (A)
English Lit - 6 (B)
English Language - 6 (and a Merit for the speaking) [EDIT: I got this remarked because it was really close to a 7 however it didn't change]
French - 6 (B)
Food Preparation and Nutrition - 8 (A*)

So thats my results, i never expected any of these results, except for photography which i gathered i did fairly well in, and have never achieved most of these grades!

Science - i always struggled with science and thought i'd get a 6-6 or a 7-6 max so to see a 7-7 was incredibly shocking, also the physics papers were horrible

Maths - i was shocked by this! having never achieved higher than a 6 before in mocks i would've been happy with a strong pass of a 5 so to see another 7 was a massive shock! [Edit - ended up taking it at a-level so yes Jess, you really do love torturing yourself]

Citizenship - This was kind of expected, due to how I found the course, however, the exams were terrible so I was only hoping to pass!

Photography - I won't lie, I would've been disappointed if I had gotten a lower grade because I tried my hardest with my final exam and this definitely reflects the work i put into it.

English - again a complete shock, even though i was predicted 7's i've always struggled and to come out of those exams with 6's in both i'm incredibly happy

French - after a complete mix up and fail in mocks, i sat the higher paper and was surprised to come out with a 6!

Food - completely overwhelmed with an A* like wtf! i'm super happy and was only expecting a 6 or 7 max so to see an 8 at the bottom was incredible!!

Jess x


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