
Showing posts from 2019

My GCSE Results 2019 + Explaination

bonjour, So it's currently the day after results day and I thought I'd update you all on what happened yesterday, on results day itself! Before I get into this I just want to say, success is relative to everyone and I worked really hard on these exams, spending around 150 hours revising since january. I'm not trying to brag or boast in anyway, shape or form and i'm really happy with these results!  let's go: Combined Science Higher Tier - 7-7 (A) Maths - 7 (A) Citizenship - 6 (B) Photography - 7 (A) English Lit - 6 (B) English Language - 6 (and a Merit for the speaking) [EDIT: I got this remarked because it was really close to a 7 however it didn't change] French - 6 (B) Food Preparation and Nutrition - 8 (A*) So thats my results, i never expected any of these results, except for photography which i gathered i did fairly well in, and have never achieved most of these grades! Science - i always struggled with science and thought i'd get a 6-6 o

General Revision Tips

bonjour, As I mentioned in my last post, I wanted to share my revision tips with you all, however, I wasn't sure whether to wait until after results day to see if they were effective or not. I've ultimately decided that unless I get shocking results then this post will stay up and I'll make some edits to this to confirm if these are effective! before I get into it I just wanted to say these are the revision tips I found that 'worked' for me so they may not work for everyone as revision isn't a one size fits all kinda thing. tip number one - make a list! - this might not be obvious to you, I didn't think of it until the last three science papers but make a list of the topics within each module of each course. for example with science, there are around 5 modules/topics in each paper so I wrote out all of the things that could appear in each one and colour coded them based on my strength of knowledge. from this I then spent extra time on the ones I wasn't c

My Tips for Year 11

bonjour,    I'm back again with another post. This time, it's my top tips for year eleven. Having just completed one of the most stressful times of my life, I think I might be in the place to be able to share my tips with you.  This is a more general tips post, I'll post a revision specific/subject-specific revision tips soon if you'd like!  tip number one; be organised -  - I'm not saying you need to plan out your entire year now or create a revision timetable now or anything intense.  Begin with making sure any notes you create in lessons are readable and highlighted if they're important like key dates and characters. also buy any flashcards, and revision supplies in advance in case you run out.  I had a mare trying to find more flashcards when I ran out, it was two weeks before the end of exams so most places had either ran out or stopped stocking them.  the second tip; get yourself into a routine (or two) -  - This is vital especially during the second ha

Long time, no post!! [introduction post]

bonjour! it's been a while since i actually posted on here, practically a year, and i've definitely changed during that time. so in the time i was away, i sat and completed all of my GCSE's; i think i put at least 200 hours of revision into them; i've also gotten a job and i've only got two years left of education. literally where have the past five years gone? it feels like yesterday my parents, along with all my friends' parents, left me at the big green gates and wished me luck, for what at the time, seemed like the scariest thing in my life. in the past five years i've done so many things that i wouldn't have had the opportunity to do if it wasn't for school and my subject choices. the last five years have taught me so much, both academically and 'real-life'; which i might touch upon in another post but for now i'll stop rambling about school and explain why i'm trying to revive this blog! the truth is, the 10 week summer isn&